Celine Dion Condition Continues To Deteriorate – She Cancels Her Entire World Tour

Very sad news coming from Celine Dion’s family as the sister of the legendary singer just revealed that Celine is now in severe constant pain and there’s nothing that can be done anymore to help her and her incurable disease is progressing very quickly.

So for those of you who don’t know, Celine was diagnosed with a rare, progressive neurological disorder called Stiff Person Syndrome which affects only about one in a million people, it has no known cause, and unfortunately, there is no cure.

She has lost so many close relatives and husband in such a small window off time, and still talked about how lucky she is, and has donated MASSIVE amounts of money to charities for years (including Hurricane Katrina), without having to tell everyone.

Such an amazing and beautiful human being.

Wishing Celine Dion all the best. May she recover and be well. Her songs and performances have touched the hearts of millions.

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  1. Angela Schneider says:

    May you be better in you health and live on .I will pray for you .God bless you .xxxxxxxxx

  2. Donnie L Oxendine says:

    "THE POWER OF LOVE" When we came in this 🌎 and someone help us to breathe the first time they also help us to be on death row. As we go through life and if we get older our bodies go down and we have to take each day different than the day before, can we look back and say did I do anything wrong did i help others?
    Yes you did i know u did the song "THE POWER OF LOVE" that u help others if the could have that kind POWER the world 🌎 would be perfect.
    I would like to tell u you made your mark and if it is end God's eyes you will breath again and the breath u get this time will be fore

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