Meet Cindy Busby: The Woman Behind CBC Heartland's Ashley Stanton

Catching up with the actress who brought Ashley Stanton to life on CBC's Heartland

Cindy Busby may have left Heartland in Season 7, but her unforgettable portrayal of Ashley Stanton still resonates with fans. Ever wondered what happened to this talented actress? In this exclusive interview, we delve into her experiences on and off-screen, her passion for animals, and exciting future projects.

Q&A with Cindy Busby

  • Did you know how to ride before Heartland? "Believe it or not, I didn't! As soon as I got the role, I jumped into private lessons and trained with the wranglers on set. I wanted to do Ashley justice and feel comfortable around these incredible creatures."
  • Funniest fan encounter? "Recently, my flight got canceled, and I was feeling down. This sweet woman came up and said, 'Are you Cindy Busby? My son loves you on Heartland!' It turned my whole day around. It's those unexpected moments and smiling faces that remind you why you do what you do."
  • What did you enjoy most about working with horses? "Horses bring such a calming presence to set. They're serene, with unique personalities. The wranglers on Heartland were amazing! Watching their tricks and the horses' interactions was always fascinating."
  • Have you worked with horses on film since? "Not yet, but I've had the pleasure of working with other animals. I'm a city girl, but I can't wait for another chance to ride!"
  • Funny behind-the-scenes stories? "Oh, so many! We had this running joke about the 'Vortex,' the trailer set where Ashley and Caleb lived. It always seemed to attract the worst weather – rain, hail, snowstorms, you name it! And Graham and Amber (Ty and Amy) would always laugh after scenes, saying, 'Cindy, you're so mean on-screen, it's hilarious!'"
  • Ashley was often mean. How are you similar or different? "Ashley used meanness to mask her true feelings, which I can understand. She was a product of her environment. But we share a strong work ethic, sense of humor, and desire for growth. I loved how the writers allowed Ashley to evolve over the seasons."
  • Favorite thing about working on Heartland? "Without a doubt, the people! The cast and crew felt like family – hardworking, kind, talented, and funny. It was an absolute joy to create something special together. I still consider many of them close friends."
  • What was it like working on Supernatural? "It was amazing! I got to do two episodes, which is rare since everyone usually dies on that show! Jared and Jensen are incredibly welcoming, and the crew is a well-oiled machine. I sadly missed out on the pranks, though!"
  • Any upcoming projects? "I have some exciting things in the works! The best way to stay updated is to follow me on social media."

Want to stay connected with Cindy? Follow her on Twitter!

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  1. Cecelia Amerson Amerson says:

    I lived Cindy on the show, and missed her.

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