Tom Selleck Talks About "Blue Bloods" & Why He Is So Proud of the Show

Tom Selleck Opens Up About His Love for "Blue Bloods"

In a recent interview, Tom Selleck shared his pride in the long-running series "Blue Bloods" and his sadness about its upcoming conclusion.

He expressed his appreciation for the show's ability to:

  • Honor law enforcement: Celebrate the dedication and sacrifice of police officers.
  • Highlight family values: Showcase the importance of family bonds, even amidst challenges.
  • Connect with viewers: Resonate with audiences for over a decade.
Tom Selleck Talks About "Blue Bloods" & Why He Is So Proud of the Show

Selleck also acknowledged the show's dedicated fanbase, acknowledging that many, including himself, are not ready to say goodbye.

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  1. A great actor and a great person, long lived Tom Selleck!

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