NCIS 18X07: Gibbs and Jimmy talk about Breena

I still see Jimmy as the happy, talkative apprentice of Ducky so seeing him cry, and not just cry but break down like that, it breaks my heart. I'm literally in tears

I cried during this part. Jimmy talks to Gibbs about the day he lost Breena to COVID-19. You need tissues for this.

Before Gibbs and McGee were kidnapped, this would never have happened. He is a changed man and for the better of it. An amazing scene that brought me to tears. He has changed so much since the return of that incident, getting mental health help, seeing his team for what they really are and appreciating them, it’s been an amazing transformation to watch. So proud of that character evolution.

The part were Jimmy said that he never got to say goodbye really got me.

Gibbs is definitely the perfect father figure for everyone he knows when someone is hurting & always has words of wisdom he always knows what to say.

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