Tom Selleck Shares a Hilarious Fan Encounter

Having been in the acting profession for nearly five decades, Tom Selleck finds joy in the fact that people still recognize him from both his earlier and more recent roles. To him, that's a signthat he's still in the game and he's still got it.

It would be nice to meet him one day, it might not happen, but you never know. Stranger things have happened before.

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  1. We love Magnum, but also Chief Stone as well.

  2. Betsy Hewitte says:

    Isn't he just a great person! I would like to just hang out with him for 20 minutes and talk. I have been a fan for 40+ years. Love Tom Selleck

  3. Claire Lowder says:

    OMG, if I could meet him it would be the most thrilling moment of my life!!!! But I know that it aint gonna happen!!! Especially since I'm 84 now!!!!!

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